Overview of Somali Regional State BoFED
Somali Regional State Bureau of Finance and Economic Development was established in 1994.E.C after the two independent previous Bureaus, Finance Bureau and the Planning Bureau, merge together to overcome parallel information gathering, properly utilize and manage scarce resources of the region and to accelerate the implementation of development plans and projects of the entire administrative units of the region (regional, Zonal, City and Woreda Administration)
Bureau of Finance and Economic Development consists of The Following Directorates
- Regional Developmental Information and Population Affairs Directorate
- Planning, Budgeting and M&E Directorate
- Treasury Directorate
- External Resource Mobilization, Coordination & Management Directorate
- Procurement and Property Administration Directorate
- Financial Control Directorate
- Finance, Logistics, Planning and M&E Directorate
- Public Relation Directorate
- ICT Directorate
- Human Resource Administration and Development Directorate
- Channel-One Program and Financial Reform Coordination Unit