Major Core Activities BOFED’s Procurement Core-Process

Prepare regional procurement forum association annually and discuss with forum how the government budget for procurement has been conducting throughout the region and analyze the feedback.

  1. Preparation & compile of all regional Sector Bureaus, city councils and districts procurement plan.
  2. Procurement audit throughout region RSBs, City Councils and districts (Worodas).
  3. Provide procurement training for RSB, cities & woredas procurement staff.
  4. Harmonization (localization) of all legal procurement and property documents.
  5. Provide an awareness creation with respect to the procurement proclamation, directives manuals, standard bid documents and compliant handling mechanism   for all regional suppliers as well as district suppliers in order to improve the main objectives of all procurement documents through repetitive procurement training and other possible option.
  6. Provide training on fixed asset management to all RSB, City administrations & woredas.
  7. To install & functionalize fixed asset data base for all regional public bodies, city councils and districts properly.
  8. Conduct market price assessments for commonly used items (Frame work contract)
  9.   Preparation of procurement performance report and submit it to the head of BOFED and after his approval this performance report will be sent  to the federal public procurement and property administration agency.
  10.  Conduct monitory and supervision for all Regional Sector Bureaus, cities council and districts by providing technical support which is on job training how the procurement procedures has been done starting from procurement plan up to the final step has been completed and achieve the result of public procurement which is delivery of the required Goods, Works, consultancy and Other services that has been agreed and signed by two parties.
  11.  Conduct fixed asset audit and inventory controlling system throughout the region.
  12.  Provide an advice on discipline of all related to the procurements based on as per demand we receive from any public bodies.
  13. To establish compliant hearing board committee at each district and provide them how they can handle about the procedure and mechanisms in order to improve the existence of free, fair, non-discriminatory, effective and efficiency procurements have been seen practically implemented all of the regional districts and analyze this committee impact at each district.